Art Fundamentals

Art Fundamentals for Children and Adults

Art Fundamentals Overview

Art truly knows no bounds, and it seems like the only thing new artists need is just quality art supplies and a nice setting to start creating. However, the game without rules still has the rules that all artists have to know, whether to follow or to break, regardless of the subject and style chosen: photorealism, abstract, impressionism, pop art, contemporary or anything else.

I’m offering Art Fundamental courses for children and adults. Art Supplies included.

Art Fundamentals For Children

Children’s courses have 10 sessions (1 hour long) and will be good for young artists between 7 and 11 years old.

Tuesday, 5.30-6.30 pm, Jan 14-Mar 18, 2025


Session 1. Colour Theory: primary and secondary colours. Colour contrast and saturation. Practice and exercise.

Session 2. Colour Theory: shades and tints. Practice and exercise.

Session 3. Proportions: how to measure, from life or a picture. Practice and exercise.

Session 4. Compositions: basic principles. Practice and exercise.

Session 5. Combining composition and proportions. Practice and exercise.

Session 6. One-point perspective. Practice and exercise.

Session 7. Basic forms and shapes. Splitting objects into basic shapes. Practice and exercise.

Session 8. Different genres in drawing and painting. Practice and exercise.

Session 9. Different mediums: watercolour, gouache, pastel, oil, acrylic, drawing etc. Practice and exercise.

Session 10. Review, questions and answers.

Art Fundamentals For Teens And Adults

For teens and adults, I’m offering 2 Levels. Each level consists of 8 Sets of 5 Lessons each. Each set covers different topics and can be taken separately, as topics don’t intersect. However, for taking Level 2 lessons, Level 1 completion or passing the final test (free) is required.

Level 1, Set 1. Art Materials

Tuesday, Jan 14-Feb 11, 2025. 6.45-8.15 pm.


  • Kinds of brushes (by hair, by shape) and their application. Practical testing of different brushes and different mediums.
  • Drawing materials and techniques (pencils, charcoals, sauces, pastels etc.). Dry and wet application, blending with a variety of mediums. Practice.
  • Canvas. Type of canvas, sizing, priming for different mediums
  • Paper. By texture (cold-pressed, hot-pressed, rough, primed etc.), by materials and by application. Practical testing.
  • Paints. How they are made. Making paints (practice) with earthy pigments and basic binders.

Level 1, Set 2. Perspective

Tuesday, Feb 18 – Mar 18, 2025. 6.45-8.15 pm.


  • One-point perspective. Basics, measuring distance and working on arches in perspective.
  • Two-point perspective. Drawing a room, stairs, hills.
  • Basic forms in perspective. Buildings and cityscapes
  • Air and colour perspective. Showing the space with shades, tints and colours.
  • Point of view and perspective change

Level 1, Set 3. Genres

Tuesday, Apr 1 – Apr 29, 2025. 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Landscapes. Key principles for a successful landscape painting, colour choice and choice of point of view. Landscape techniques and principles in art history. Contemporary landscape. What to avoid. How to work from life and from photos.
  • Portraits. Key art principles for portraits. Portraits in the past and contemporary portraits. Choice of light, colours, and composition.
  • Still lives. Key art principles for still lives. Old-fashioned and contemporary still lives. Air perspective and colour choice.
  • Conceptual art. Key art principles and rules to express imagination.
  • Abstract painting. Key art principles for abstract art.

Level 1, Set 4. Composition. 

Friday, Jan 17 – Feb 14, 2025, 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Types of composition, importance of composition, balanced and unbalanced composition.
  • Movement in composition. How to use composition to emphasize artistic ideas.
  • Colour composition. How to use colour composition in different techniques. Abstract art.
  • Practice. Working on a composition for a still life.
  • Practice. Working on a composition for a genre scenes with people.

Level 1, Set 5. Basic Forms and Shading

Friday, Feb 28 – Mar 28, 2025, 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Cube and its derivatives., Outlines, monochrome shading, colour shading.
  • Cylinder. Outlines, monochrome shading, colour shading.
  • Cone and pyramid. Outlines, monochrome shading, colour shading.
  • Sphere. Outlines, monochrome shading, colour shading.
  • Transparent objects.Outlines, monochrome shading.

Level 1, Set 6. Portraits

Friday, April 4 – May 9, 2025, 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Facial proportions, guidelines, perspective and different angles
  • Eyes. Key attributes and different angles
  • Nose. Key attributes and different angles
  • Lips. Key attributes and different angles
  • Head and Hair. Key attributes and different angles. Shading.

Level 1, Set 7. Colour Theory

Friday, Dates TBD, 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Primary and Secondary colours, their nature, retina and brain processing of colours, warm and cold colours, myths and reality
  • Mixing colours. When and how micing colours work in different mediums. Opacity, pigment compositions etc..
  • Mixing colours in transparent mediums. Practice mixing colour in watercolours.
  • Mixing colours in opaque mediums. Practice mixing colour in watercolours in gouache

Level 1, Set 8. Painting From Life and Photo

Tuesday, Dates TBD, 6.45-8.15 pm


  • Painting from life vs. painting from photo: use, misuse, how to start
  • Still life from life. How to start, 1-hour speed painting
  • Landscape (from life or photo – weather dependant). How to start, 1-hour speed painting
  • Light and Shadow. Splitting the painting into light, shades and cast shadows. 1-hour speed painting
  • Negative drawing or painting. Art principles and techniques.